
Bruce Takefman President of Research Consultants International

Bruce Takefman

CEO ResearchFDI
Bruce is a highly sought-after economic development strategist, and a regular speaker at prominent economic development events, including the IEDC Conferences, SelectUSA Canada, and EDCO Summits. His areas of expertise encompass foreign direct investment, lead generation strategies, and the implementation of cutting-edge business intelligence platforms. As an influential figure in the industry, Bruce maintains an active role in several prominent associations, such as IEDC, SelectUSA, EDCO, the Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC), Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC), Oregon Economic Development Association (OEDA), Utility Economic Development Association (UEDA), and the Washington Economic Development Association (WEDA).

What Working from Home Means for the Future

By |2023-05-09T10:18:18-04:00September 1st, 2020|Opinions|

The idea of working from home may have been farfetched about a year ago. The common perception (even fears) about working from home includes procrastination, and dealing with too many distractions (cough* cough* .. [...]

Regional approaches to deconfinement

By |2023-05-09T10:19:37-04:00July 8th, 2020|Opinions|

As regions begin to grapple with the new normal, and look to reopen the economy as safely as possible, all eyes have switched to the oft-mentioned (and equally frightening) potential second wave and how [...]

How Incentives Shape Economic Development

By |2023-05-09T10:05:05-04:00February 27th, 2020|Opinions|

Incentives invariably shape the outcome or even the reality of an economic development project occurring. In North America, incentives have become somewhat of a double-edged sword for economic developers, who have to balance winning projects, [...]

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